江苏农商行英语专项练习题七(3) |
时间:2015-08-29 19:55 来源:江苏农商行招聘网 作者:admin 点击:
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Part II Reading Comprehension
Section A
Directions: In this section, there is a short passage with 5 questions or incomplete statements.
Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words. Please write your answers on Answer Sheet 2.
Questions 47 to 51 are based on the following passage.
China is in the midst of one of the most remarkable expansions of higher education ever attempted. And although Yun Ying, a professor of physics education at Southeast University in Nanjing, may be only a bit player, she's passionate about reforming science education.
Yun is leading her own minirevolution. Her introductory physics course addresses a national priority, namely, to foster economic growth by producing not just more, but more creative, scientists and engineers.
Those two principles underlie her “Bilingual Physics With Multimedia” text and CD-ROM, a freshman course she has been developing since the mid-1980s that has been adopted by 10 Chinese universities. The course not only teaches the English that students need to discuss physics but also requires students to research physics topics and present their findings to the class. That's a dramatic change from the memorization demanded in typical introductory science courses.
Yun's course deviates from the traditional approach in Chinese schools, in which those who can memorize get better scores on tests than those who learn the text creatively. The textbook contains standard freshman-level lessons in momentum and energy, harmonic motion, and wave-particle duality. All explanations are given in depth in English with Chinese translations of key passages. The CD-ROM includes video clips illustrating various principles.
Even more unusual is the requirement that students select a topic, research it on their own or in a small group, and then present their findings in a class seminar——all in English. Other students can ask questions, make comments, or challenge the conclusions—— unprecedented conduct for Chinese undergraduates.
Despite the use of English, Yun hasn't watered down the content. Some of that may be due to Southeast's ranking as one of the country's top 10 comprehensive universities, with a particular strength in engineering.
Yun is pleased with the positive reaction to her course. Two years ago, she offered a teacher-training course for schools considering adoption of the text and CD-ROM, and now she's working on a teaching and learning guidebook. The increasing number of faculty members who were trained in the United States or Europe has sparked interest in reforming teaching at Chinese universities. A one semester course taken primarily by engineering students may have a limited impact on Chinese education. But for those calling for an educational revolution in China, it's a good place to start.
注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2 上作答。
1147. A professor of Southeast University, Yun Ying is eager to ____________.
1248. What is demanded in typical introductory science courses?
1349. In Chinese the traditional approach, who get better scores on tests?
1450. Yun hasn't reduced the content partly because of _________________.
1551. Because of positive action to her course, now Yun is engaged in _______________.
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